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徐冬梅 副教授
发布时间:2019-02-18 05:22 来源:








发表学术论文30余篇(在IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics IEEE/ASME Transactions on MechatronicsSensors and Actuators A: PhysicalSmart Materials and StructuresCeramics InternationalMechanics of Advanced Materials and StructuresMechatronics等国际权威SCI期刊发表学术论文20余篇),授权国家发明专利6项。国际机械领域TOP期刊《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》审稿人。



2013.082018.07  哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院 机械电子 工学博士

2010.082012.07  哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院 机械设计及理论 工学硕士

2006.082010.07  烟台大学 机电汽车工程学院 机械设计制造及其自动化 工学学士



2018.11—至今  西安科技大学 机械工程学院 机械电子系 副教授

2018.112022.03  西安科技大学 机械工程博士后流动站

2018.072018.11 西安科技大学 机械工程学院 机械电子系 讲师

2012.07-2013.05  卡特彼勒(青州)股份有限公司青岛研发中心  前传动部门  研发




[1] Dongmei Xu, Yingxiang Liu, Shengjun Shi, Junkao Liu, Weishan Chen, Liang Wang. Development of a non-resonant piezoelectric motor with nanometer resolution driving ability, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2018, 23(1): 444–451.

[2] Dongmei Xu, Yingxiang Liu, Shengjun Shi, Dingwen Wang, Weishan Chen, Jie Deng, Developments of piezoelectric ultrasonic actuators operating under bending hybrid vibration modes, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2017.

[3] Dongmei Xu, Yingxiang Liu, Junkao Liu, Xiaohui Yang, Weishan Chen, Developments of a piezoelectric actuator with nano-positioning ability operated in bending modes, Ceramics International, 2017,43: S21-S26.

[4] Dongmei Xu, Yingxiang Liu, Junkao Liu, Shengjun Shi, and Weishan Chen. Motion planning of a stepping-wriggle type piezoelectric actuator operating in bending modes. IEEE Access, 2016, 4: 2371-2378.

[5] Dongmei Xu, Yingxiang Liu, Junkao Liu. and Weishan Chen. A bonded type ultrasonic motor using the bending of a crossbeam. IEEE Access, 2016, 4: 1109-1116.

[6] Dongmei Xu, Yingxiang Liu, Junkao Liu, Liang Wang. A four-foot walking-type stepping piezoelectric actuator: driving principle, simulation and experimental evaluation, Smart Materials and Structures.

[7] Yingxiang Liu, Dongmei Xu, Xiaohui Yang, and Weishan Chen, Miniaturized piezoelectric actuator operating in bending hybrid modes, Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, 2015, 2015, 235: 158-164.

[8] Yingxiang Liu, Dongmei Xu, Zhaoyang Yu, Jipeng Yan, Xiaohui Yang, and Weishan Chen. A novel rotary piezoelectric motor using first bending hybrid transducers, Applied Sciences, 2015, 5(3): 472-484.

[9] Yingxiang Liu, Dongmei Xu, Weishan Chen, Kai Li, Liang Wang, Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Stepper Piezoelectric Actuator Using Bending Transducers, IEEE Access, 2018.

[10] Yingxiang Liu, Jipeng Yan, Dongmei Xu, Weishan Chen, Xiaohui Yang and Xinqi Tian, An I-shape Linear Piezoelectric Actuator Using Resonant Type Longitudinal Vibration Transducers, Mechatronics, 2016, 40: 87-95.

[11] Yingxiang Liu, Xiaohui Yang, Dongmei Xu, and Weishan Chen. Improvement and Miniaturization of a T-shaped Linear Piezoelectric Actuator with Single Foot, Ferroelectrics, 2016, 493(1): 1-11.

[12] Yingxiang Liu, Weishan Chen, Dongmei Xu, Peilian Feng, and Junkao Liu. Improvement of a rectangle-shape linear piezoelectric motor with four driving feet. Ceramics International, 2015, 41: S594-S601.



[1] Dongmei Xu,Yingxiang Liu, Junkao Liu, and Weishan Chen. A Crossbeam Linear Ultrasonic Motor Using Bending Vibrations. 2015 Joint IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric, International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities and Piezoelectric Force Microscopy Workshop (ISAF/ISIF/PFM), 2015: 13-16.

[2] Yingxiang Liu, Dongmei Xu, Ji-peng Yan, Xiu-hua Ni, Wei-shan Chen. Design of a bending vibrations hybrid type ultrasonic motor with a bonded-type structure. The 2015 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications (SPAWDA 2015), 2015, 50-54.

[3] Junkao Liu, Dongmei Xu, Yingxiang Liu, Xiuhua Ni, Weishan Chen. Design of a cross-shaped piezoelectric motor with single driving foot. The 2015 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications (SPAWDA 2015), 2015, 40-44.

[4] Yingxiang Liu, Dongmei Xu, Weishan Chen, and Junkao Liu. Operating Principle and Vibration Characteristic of an I-shaped Ultrasonic Motor. 2015 Joint IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric, International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities and Piezoelectric Force Microscopy Workshop (ISAF/ISIF/PFM), 2015: 9-12.



[1] 徐冬梅,赵亮亮,于思淼,张旭辉,马宏伟,张强强. 基于纵振夹心式换能器的压电超声驱动器及其使用方法,专利号:ZL201910318641.4(授权日期:2020.07.17;申请日:2019.04.19

[2] 刘英想,徐冬梅,刘军考,陈维山,冯培连. 基于多压电振子弯曲运动的步进蠕动型驱动激励方法. 专利号: ZL201610052537.1(授权日期:2017.06.13;申请日:2016.01.26

[3] 刘英想,徐冬梅,陈维山,冯培连,刘军考. 仿生爬行多足直线压电驱动器. 专利号: ZL201510428085.8(授权日期:2017.03.01;申请日:2015.07.20

[4] 刘英想,徐冬梅,陈维山,冯培连,刘军考. 多工作模式复合型悬臂多足压电驱动器. 专利号: ZL201510428084.3(授权日期:2017.03.01;申请日:2015.07.20

[5] 刘英想,徐冬梅,刘军考,陈维山. 十字形截面梁式贴片双足超声电机振子. 专利号: ZL201510012282.1(授权日期:2017.01.11;申请日:2015.01.09

[6] 刘英想,徐冬梅,刘军考,陈维山. 一种十字形对称梁式贴片单足超声电机振子. 专利号: ZL201510012283.6(授权日期:2016.09.07;申请日:2015.01.09



Emaildongmeixu@xust.edu.cn (推荐)





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